Mar 16, 2018

About five years ago, my life was turned upside down. I spent the last several years living in “crisis-mode” trying to put the pieces back together and get my feet back on the ground financially, emotionally, and physically.

As each area of my life began to stabilize and the dust started to settle, I looked at my life and felt an overwhelming sense of…now what? I entered a period of feeling frozen and “stuck”. As long as I could remember, my days were devoted to fixing problems and plowing through to-do lists. I didn’t know how to live any differently. What I realized was…I didn’t know how to live.

Through powerful coaching sessions with Christine, I am breaking through this barrier. With her amazing insight, Christine has helped me to clarify my personal values and challenge lifelong beliefs that have held me back from living life fully. Christine’s approach is friendly and genuine. Her heart is kind and compassionate – at times offering personal anecdotes that convey ‘I have been there too. I know what you are feeling. I get it.’ Christine has inspired me to put down the to-do lists, break out of the familiar comfort zone, and follow my inner voice and passions. In a nutshell, partnering with Christine has empowered me to live life proactively.
