I’m Christine Grace … intuitive healer at heart; Reiki master teacher, Sound Healer, life coach, and HeartMath mentor on paper. And wherever you are on your healing path, it’s always the perfect time to start, re-start, continue or dive deeper.

Because let’s face it: Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. At some point, you’ll have to deal with a big life transition, an unexpected ailment, or an unavoidable crisis. And if you have no wellness foundation, it won’t be pretty. You need to continually build that up even when things are going great so you have reserves when chaos hits. That gives you the resilience to make your way through whatever life throws your way.

Self-care is the key to living wholeheartedly at all times no matter what’s happening around or within you. And it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Having had life shape me over and again with my own “bumps” and “lessons,” I’ve dedicated the past 25 years to exploring ALL things holistic and natural. And now, through Reiki Healing, intuitive guidance and other tools I’ve learned along the way, I support each of my unique clients in achieving their goals for wellbeing and wholeness. It is such a simple and gentle way to restore connection between the mind, body, heart and soul so you can:

  • Recognize the lessons (and even the GIFTS) that accompany every bump you encounter on your journey.
  • Truly hear what your body and soul is telling you it needs.
  • Tune into (and have the courage to follow) your own inner guidance that has always been there for you.

Because LOOKING and LISTENING in the right places leads to LIVING life with both feet in.

My Story

At 22, I found myself debilitated by what the doctors coined a chronic illness, which spurred my lifelong quest for holistic wellness and spiritual growth. You name it, I’ve tried it. At 24, I had found ‘success’ in a male-dominated industry when I took the reins as the General Manager of a car dealership. But, deep down I was unfulfilled. I felt off track for years before I took that leap of faith to follow my calling as a healer.

Throughout this time, I began eating organically, practicing yoga and experimenting with meditation before those were trendy things to do and still haven’t stopped learning and trying out all forms of natural healing and personal development (Wanna skip the background and jump right into REIKI? CLICK HERE).

Ultimately, all of my hard work, my spiritual foundation, and my willingness to grow has allowed me to stay curious and learn from the lessons life has asked me to embrace. (Life doesn’t ask us IF we will accept our circumstances, only HOW…)

I’ve managed to remain joyful even through painful moments like ending a 20-year relationship, supporting my kids through the emotional fallout from the divorce, navigating the mental illnesses and alcoholism of those close to me, dealing with the loss of loved ones, and being diagnosed with a chronic illness TWICE (learn more about my journey with Lyme Disease here). I’ve stood my ground while taking the road less traveled by trusting my gut, which has included home births; riding motorcycles and jumping out of airplanes to figure myself out; walking away from an 18-year stable, financially rewarding career to explore the unknown path that was calling me; and trying a pioneering Lyme treatment in a foreign country. You could say I’ve earned a PhD in Resilience!

It’s now my life’s mission to live a vibrant, whole-hearted, and healthy life and to help others do the same regardless of the external and internal forces at play.

Because whether you’re thriving or struggling, you CAN still be BOLDLY living, not just muscling through.